Results for 'Cynthia Ellen Patton'

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  1.  22
    Phyllis Weliver. Women Musicians in Victorian Fiction, 1860–1900: Representations of Music, Science, and Gender in the Leisured Home. x + 330 pp., illus., tables, apps., bibl., index. Aldershot/Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2001. $79.95. [REVIEW]Cynthia Patton - 2002 - Isis 93 (3):494-494.
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    Developmental differences in concept transfer as a function of variability of irrelevant features during acquisition.Lorraine A. Low, Ellen Coste & Cynthia Kirkup - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (1):19-22.
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    Erratum to: Developmental differences in concept transfer as a function of variability of irrelevant features during acquisition.Lorraine A. Low, Ellen Coste & Cynthia Kirkup - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (2):140-140.
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    Concept transfer as a function of age and variability of irrelevant features during acquisition.Lorraine A. Low, Ellen Coste & Cynthia Kirkup - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (5):393-395.
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    Small Group Predictions on an Uncertain Outcome: The Effect of Nondiagnostic Information.George R. Young II, Kenneth H. Price & Cynthia Claybrook - 2001 - Theory and Decision 50 (2):149-167.
    Research has established that exposure to a combination of diagnostic (i.e., relevant) and nondiagnostic (i.e., irrelevant) information results in predictions that are more regressive than predictions based on diagnostic information (Hackenbrack, 1992; Hoffman and Patton, 1997). This phenomenon has been labeled the dilution effect (e.g., Tetlock and Boettger, 1989) and has been documented when individuals make predictions. This study tests for the dilution effect when small groups make predictions, and examines the effect of using a procedure designed to reduce (...)
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    Small Group Predictions on an Uncertain Outcome: The Effect of Nondiagnostic Information.George Young, Kenneth Price & Cynthia Claybrook - 2001 - Theory and Decision 50 (2):149-167.
    Research has established that exposure to a combination of diagnostic (i.e., relevant) and nondiagnostic (i.e., irrelevant) information results in predictions that are more regressive than predictions based on diagnostic information (Hackenbrack, 1992; Hoffman and Patton, 1997). This phenomenon has been labeled the dilution effect (e.g., Tetlock and Boettger, 1989) and has been documented when individuals make predictions. This study tests for the dilution effect when small groups make predictions, and examines the effect of using a procedure designed to reduce (...)
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    A New Chapter in the Politics of Irony: Cynthia Willett’s Irony in the Age of Empire.Bill Martin - 2010 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 24 (1):78-84.
    What if a tree told a joke in the woods and there was no one there to hear it? Occasionally I watch The Ellen DeGeneres Show. I have appreciated Ellen as a comedian since she first came on the public scene, and one part of her talk show that I enjoy is the dancing in the opening segment, where Ellen dances to music played by a DJ, and she goes up into the audience and the overwhelmingly female (...)
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  8. Bilingualism: consequences for mind and brain.Ellen Bialystok, Fergus Im Craik & Gigi Luk - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (4):240-250.
  9. Mary Astell: Defender of the “Disembodied Mind”.Cynthia B. Bryson - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (4):40-62.
    This paper demonstrates how Mary Astell's version of Cartesian dualism supports her disavowal of female subordination and traditional gender roles, her rejection of Locke's notion of “thinking matter” as a major premise for rejecting his political philosophy of “social contracts” between men and women, and, finally, her claim that there is no intrinsic difference between genders in terms of ratiocination, the primary assertion that grants her the title of the first female English feminist.
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    Knowledge, Experiences and Views of German University Students Toward Neuroenhancement: An Empirical-Ethical Analysis.Cynthia Forlini, Jan Schildmann, Patrik Roser, Radim Beranek & Jochen Vollmann - 2014 - Neuroethics 8 (2):83-92.
    Across normative and empirical disciplines, considerable attention has been devoted to the prevalence and ethics of the non-medical use of prescription and illegal stimulants for neuroenhancement among students. A predominant assumption is that neuroenhancement is prevalent, in demand, and calls for appropriate policy action. In this paper, we present data on the prevalence, views and knowledge from a large sample of German students in three different universities and analyze the findings from a moral pragmatics perspective. The results of our study (...)
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    Suturing the Body Corporate (Divine and Human) in the Brahmanic Traditions.Ellen Stansell - 2010 - Sophia 49 (2):237-259.
    In this discussion, we ponder the discourse about the ‘body of the Divine’ in the Indian tradition. Beginning with the Vedas, we survey the major eras and thinkers of that tradition, considering various notions of the Supreme Divine Being it produced. For each, we ask: is the Divine embodied? If so, then in what way? What is the nature of the body of the Divine, and what is its relationship to human bodies? What is the value of the body of (...)
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    Externalism and Authoritative Self-Knowledge.Cynthia Macdonald - 1998 - In C. Macdonald, Barry C. Smith & C. J. G. Wright (eds.), Knowing Our Own Minds: Essays in Self-Knowledge. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 123-155.
    Externalism in the philosophy of mind has been thought by many to pose a serious threat to the claim that subjects are in general authoritative with regard to certain of their own intentional states.<sup>1</sup> In a series of papers, Tyler Burge (1985_a_, 1985_b_, 1988, 1996) has argued that the distinctive entitlement or right that subjects have to self- knowledge in certain cases is compatible with externalism, since that entitlement is environmentally neutral, neutral with respect to the issue of the individuation (...)
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  13. Hermann von Helmholtz.Lydia Patton - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) participated in two of the most significant developments in physics and in the philosophy of science in the 19th century: the proof that Euclidean geometry does not describe the only possible visualizable and physical space, and the shift from physics based on actions between particles at a distance to the field theory. Helmholtz achieved a staggering number of scientific results, including the formulation of energy conservation, the vortex equations for fluid dynamics, the notion of free energy (...)
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  14. Derrida, Politics and Democracy to Come.Paul Patton - 2007 - Philosophy Compass 2 (6):766-780.
    Derrida's early reluctance to spell out political implications of deconstruction gave way during the course of the 1980s to a series of analyses of political concepts and issues. This article identifies the principal intellectual strategies of Derrida's political engagements and provides a detailed account of his concept of ‘democracy to come’. Finally, it suggests several points of contact between Derrida and recent liberal political philosophy, as well as some areas in which deconstructive analyses require further refinement if fruitful exchange is (...)
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  15. Future politics.Paul Patton - 2003 - In Paul Patton & John Protevi (eds.), Between Deleuze and Derrida. New York: Continuum.
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    Expanding theory testing in general relativity: LIGO and parametrized theories.Lydia Patton - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 69:142-53.
    The multiple detections of gravitational waves by LIGO (the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory), operated by Caltech and MIT, have been acclaimed as confirming Einstein's prediction, a century ago, that gravitational waves propagating as ripples in spacetime would be detected. Yunes and Pretorius (2009) investigate whether LIGO's template-based searches encode fundamental assumptions, especially the assumption that the background theory of general relativity is an accurate description of the phenomena detected in the search. They construct the parametrized post-Einsteinian (ppE) framework in response, (...)
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    Emotion is perceived accurately from isolated body parts, especially hands.Ellen Blythe, Lúcia Garrido & Matthew R. Longo - 2023 - Cognition 230 (C):105260.
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    Tertiary Healthcare Ethics Consultation: Enhancing Access to Expertise.Cynthia M. A. Geppert, Kenneth A. Berkowitz & Anita J. Tarzian - 2022 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 33 (4):314-322.
    Tertiary healthcare ethics (HCE) consultation occurs when an HCE consultant at a healthcare facility requests guidance from one or more senior HCE consultants who are not members of that facility’s HCE consultation service. Tertiary HCE consultants provide advanced HCE guidance and/or mentoring to facility (secondary) HCE consultants, mirroring healthcare consultation in clinical practice. In this article, we describe advantages and challenges of providing tertiary HCE consultation through a hub-and-spoke model administered by a national integrated HCE service.
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    (2 other versions)Introduction.William Chaloupka & Paul Patton - 2002 - Theory and Event 6 (1).
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    The International Baccalaureate: International education and cultural preservation.Mary C. Hayden & Cynthia S. D. Wong - 1997 - Educational Studies 23 (3):349-361.
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    The Experience of Death & The Moral Problem of Suicide.Paul-Louis Landsberg & Cynthia Rowland - 1955 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 16 (1):140-141.
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    Altruism, children, and nonbeneficial research.Ellen M. McGee - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (4):21 – 23.
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    Compound Conflicts of Interest in the US Proxy System.Cynthia E. Clark & Harry J. Van Buren - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (2):355-371.
    The current proxy voting system in the United States has become the subject of considerable controversy. Because institutional investment managers have the authority to vote their clients’ proxies, they have a fiduciary obligation to those clients. Frequently, in an attempt to fulfill that obligation, these institutional investors employ proxy advisory services to manage the thousands of votes they must cast. However, many proxy advisory services have conflicts of interest that inhibit their utility to those seeking to discharge their fiduciary duties. (...)
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    Talking Can Be Harmful Depending on What You Say.Cynthia M. A. Geppert & Toby Schonfeld - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (12):42-44.
    McCarthy, Homan, and Rozier’s presentation of theological anthropology and its contribution to secular bioethics suffers from three primary limitations. (McCarthy et al. 2020) First, the article re...
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    Some perils of “waiting to be born”: Fertility preservation in girls facing certain treatments for cancer.Cynthia B. Cohen - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (6):30 – 32.
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  26. Mental causation and nonreductive monism.Cynthia Macdonald & Graham Macdonald - 1991 - Analysis 51 (1):23-32.
  27. Film theory and philosophy.Cynthia A. Freeland - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (1):144-147.
    This substantial book presents essays by nineteen authors exploring intersections between film theory and philosophy on topics of representation, authorship, ideology, aesthetics, and emotion. The editors explain that film studies has reached a crisis of method after a growth period founded on structural linguistics, psychoanalysis, and Continental philosophy. They wish to alter this foundation and “give momentum to work in an analytic vein”, which requires them to correct the misconception of analytic philosophy in film studies as narrow and conservative, a (...)
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    Introduction.Varghese K. George & Paul Patton - 2018 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 12 (1):1-2.
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  29. Addressing the Health Needs of the.Ellen Beck - 1999 - Bioethics Forum 15:2.
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    The Institute of Medicine.Ruth Ellen Bulger - 1992 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2 (1):73-77.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Institute of MedicineRuth Ellen Bulger (bio)IN 1863 the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) was established by federal charter to advise the government on scientific matters. Almost 100 years later, in 1971, the Academy created the Institute of Medicine within the NAS to focus on health-related problems and issues. Today the IOM has a program budget of about $13 million, which includes both private and government funds, and (...)
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    Strategies for Gender Democracy: Strengthening the Representation of Trade Union Women in the European Social Dialogue.Cynthia Cockburn - 1996 - European Journal of Women's Studies 3 (1):7-26.
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    Beyond Flourishing: Intersecting Uses and Interests in the Neurotechnology Marketplace.Cynthia Forlini, Wendy Lipworth, Adrian Carter & Ian Kerridge - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10 (4):178-180.
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    William James.Ellen Kappy Suckiel - 2006 - In John R. Shook & Joseph Margolis (eds.), A Companion to Pragmatism. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 30–43.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Foundations of James's Pragmatism “Experience” and Radical Empiricism The Will to Believe and the Justification of Faith Theory of Truth Ethics Philosophy of Religion.
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    Beyond Belief: Sexual Difference and Religion after Ontotheology.Ellen T. Armour - 2003 - In Philip Goodchild (ed.), Difference in Philosophy of Religion. Ashgate. pp. 61.
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    Michel Foucault: Power, Truth, Strategy.John Mowitt, Meaghan Morris & Paul Patton - 1980 - Substance 9 (3):93.
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    'Quality of life' and the analogy with the nazis.Cynthia B. Cohen - 1983 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 8 (2):113-136.
    into treatment decisions is viewed as pernicious by some who claim that these presuppose the Nazi position that those who are ‘devoid of value’ must be exterminated. ‘Quality of life’ judgments are said to deny the equal value of human beings and to assume that some lives are not ‘worthy to be lived’. It is argued that the analogy misconstrues the senses of ‘value’ and ‘quality’ employed by Naziism and a ‘quality of life’ position. This leads the analogizers incorrectly to (...)
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    Seeking Mahadevi: Constructing the Identities of the Hindu Great Goddess.Laurie L. Patton & Tracy Pintchman - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (3):563.
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    Socio-pedagogical tact in familial contexts: from empty space to teaching space and the handling of symbols and things 1.Birgit Althans & Cynthia Dyre - 2024 - Ethics and Education 19 (3):444-459.
    This paper informs about a specific German concept in Pedagogy, the concept of “tact”.Following an initial discussion of the particularities of the concept of (socio-) pedagogical tact, including its ethical and moral self-positioning and current demands for its operationality (1); will come the presentation of an empirical examination of the opportunities and limits to the feasibility of meeting these demands, based on a current example from the field of social work: ‘integrated family support’ (2); finally, options for further investigation of (...)
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    Justice for Alan Kurdi?Ellen T. Armour - 2019 - Philosophy Today 63 (2):315-333.
    Photographs of the body of a drowned three-year-old Kurdish boy from Syria washed up on a Turkish beach encapsulated the plight of refugees fleeing the civil war in Syria with particular pathos and power. Through what these photographs index, this essay considers what they open up and open on to: the philosophical problematics embedded in the political issues the refugee crisis raises. These issues and problematics are rendered legible in Jacques Derrida’s recently published seminar on the death penalty and in (...)
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    Man" and his "Others.Ellen T. Armour - 2005 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 15 (1):1-17.
  41. Touching transcendence: Sexual difference and sacrality in Derrida's le toucher.Ellen T. Armour - 2005 - In Yvonne Sherwood & Kevin Hart (eds.), Derrida and religion: other testaments. New York: Routledge. pp. 351--362.
  42. Reconciling aesthetics and justice in organization studies.Mary-Ellen Boyle - 2003 - In Adrian Carr & Philip Hancock (eds.), Art and aesthetics at work. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 51.
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  43. A research pioneer: Malene Hauxner, 18 September 1942-18 January 2012.Ellen Marie Braae - 2012 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 78.
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    Neuroscience Missing in Action.Cynthia M. A. Geppert - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (7):68-70.
    Bianchi and colleagues have written an important article that proposes a harm reduction approach to eating disorders that mediates the ethical tension in the l...
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  45. Practical and professional ethics.Cynthia M. A. Geppert - 2017 - In David B. Cooper (ed.), Ethics in mental-health substance use. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    The Importance of Learning Ethics for and from Psychiatrists: A Teacher–Trainee Reflection.Cynthia Geppert & Hammam Yahya - 2019 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 26 (3):199-201.
    It is our privilege to be invited to write a commentary on the "Interface of Ethics and Psychiatry: A Philosophical Case Consultation on Psychiatric Ethics on the Ground." The article presents an innovative collaboration between a philosopher and a psychiatrist reasoning together through the ethical aspects of three clinical cases. The case consultation also offers a unique opportunity to reflect on the teaching of psychiatric ethics in clinical settings. This commentary explores those areas of the article from the perspective of (...)
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    Canaanite Parallels in the Book of Psalms.H. L. Ginsberg & John Hastings Patton - 1945 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 65 (1):65.
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    The hunt for structure-dependent interpretation: The case of Principle C.Jeffrey Lidz, Cynthia Lukyanenko & Megan Sutton - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104676.
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    Caring About Meatballs, Autonomy, and Human Dignity: Neuroethics and the Boundaries of Decision Making Among Persons With Dementia.Peter Novitzky, Cynthia Chen & Calvin W. L. Ho - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 9 (2):96-98.
    The long-running discourse on respect for human dignity and autonomy in the physician-patient relationship pertaining to persons with dementia (PwDs) is explored deeply in this paper through the use of a real-life case, to highlight the complex interplay between autonomy and best interest when it comes to a PwD's experiential and critical interests. Many scenarios and perspectives are described and applies to the case. However, there are a few perspectives, which are touched upon that could do with further scrutiny. Firstly, (...)
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  50. History, normativity, and rights.Paul Patton - 2014 - In Costas Douzinas & Conor Gearty (eds.), The meanings of rights: the philosophy and social theory of human rights. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
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